Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another update

Hey,people! Since bro is back i get to use his lappie :) Woot!

Ok,so,here's a little update. Life's been hectic for the past few weeks.I've been busy with revisions and tests. Plus,there's a math test around the corner and less than a month to go for AS trials. So,yeah...

Despite all the tests and revision PM12 is as crazy as always. lol! They keep backstabbing people,swearing and fooling around as usual.

We normally go to the library for discussion and revision. But,as usual we end up camwhoring or crapping. LOL.

Tomorrow is Monday. And i'm so very excited about it! Ren is going bring 13 episodes of GLEE!!! OMG OMG! Break tomorrow is gonna be awesome!

Cousins came down to visit bro. And we had a whole lot of fun. Crapped a lot. And i won't be able to see them for till next month. Sigh...

Kee,is still in Ipoh. I have no idea what he's still doing there when there's college tomorrow. Enjoy,dei. Enjoy nicely. Enjoy as much as you can.

Lol! Amu says my blog is the only thing that keeps her SANE in KMK. Waaahahaha! That could be one of the sweetest compliments i've ever heard in my life. Hahaha!

Addicted to Take A Bow Lea Michelle and Time For Miracles by Adam Lambert :P

Till then,BYE!!!!!!!
Wish you never existed.

Monday, February 22, 2010


whoa...jargon!! lol! Ok,i'm back! But not for long. Having too many fans is not a good thing. Especially when they keep bugging me to update my blog. Hehe! what to do what to do...tooooo famous.

If i have not told you this,now i am. My lappie has been taken away by my bro for the next 10 months of my life. Very pathetic of me eh? Next,i was ''smart'' enough to ask him to get my FB password changed. How cool is that? That's because FB is very addictive. No sacrifice,no gain right? :)

Ok,thats all for now.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I'm really bored,i'll just blabber on what I've been doing..
-woke up at 9. I could have slept longer,but breakfast smelled too good :)
-lazed around
-sent CNY greetings to all pigs and beruks. Lol,i was too sleepy that i sent the message i was supposed to send Shobs to Ren and Jojo :P My apologies.
-Watched TV.
-Chatted with Tamim a.k.a Genius. Apparently he's bored too... Holidays are really getting on my nerves. I know i better stop complaining and enjoy holidays while i can. And what disturbs me most is the fact that there are no breaks till AS is over!
-Did some stupid quizzes on FB and got some stupid results which i don't bother publishing them. They're embarrassing :p
-And now i'm off to bake a cheesecake for bro :) Yes,i can bake! Having a small farewell partay :)
-oh,ya! I must say that GLEE is a good show!

lol,bro told me that he's proud he never celebrated Valentine's for the past 23 years of his life and i told i never celebrated for 18 years of my life. Ish,he won(obviously,he's older)!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Shak did a ''good'' job updating(so-called an update,lol) his blog. And,i have no idea what happened to Shobs,Ren and Shids. Update your blog la guys!
Anyways,wishing all of you HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Have an awesome year ahead! Don't forget the ang paus k :)
And, for those of you who are celebrating Valentine's this year,have a good one too :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Girl Power part2

Gila Girls a.k.a MED GROUP
LOL! Ok,this group consists of 5 lunatics namely Shobs,Sharon,Shids,Shark and Jojo(! she's the only one with no 'S' in her name.)
Here's a little description about the group members.

Shobs-The one who's always up to all nonsense and mischieves while embarassing herself on the way.

Sharon-She has this ability to make people laugh at her laughter.NOTE:LAUGH NOT AT HER JOKES BUT HER LAUGHTER.

Shids-Known as Shi*s to most people...Due to some issues with that name,she's now known as Tapir(yes,Tapir.) And trust me,she can never stop laughing if she starts.

Jojo-Ok,she's the only one from our group whom many people are afraid of. And this is due to her excessive amount of swearing and her crazy thing for Kris Allen.She goes gaga for Kris Allen for god knows why...

Shark-I'm so lost for words...she's the only one who's always in her senses and knows what she's doing... To make it simple,she's PERFECT,FLAWLESS etc. etc...

I'm so dead when these girls read this...luckily there's break for another 6 days.Till then, i know i'll be safe :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010


LOL! Twilight fever hit me a little early this year :)Managed to finish Eclipse in just two days! Wow! I'm amazing! not bad for a girl like me,huh! Ok,that also means i barely touched my books over the weekend...which i'm barely guilty off. And there are plenty of assignments due tomorrow which i'm not going to think about.
Bro is leaving to Aus in less than a week... Thinking of how things are gonna be after he leaves irks me. I'll be left lonely at home with no one to talk to,eat and crap with. Worst of all,i'll have nobody to annoy! Oh,wait...i still have shag and smoe *evil grin*....muahahaha!
Okay,that's all for now...what an update right? Hehe :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It's so surprising to see how love and trust can take years to build and it takes just a second to hate someone...

Monday, February 1, 2010

when clumsiness hits

Had presentation today. It was no ordinary presentation. Seriously. lol!
Ren,thanks for doing the slides!!! You rock!!
Thanks to Shak for being T.G.I.M's savior! Haha! What we would have done without you :P Sifu,please forgive us for the little clumsiness during the presentation :P I know you felt like killing us. Just one more year to go,sifu. Bear with us :D I just feel like telling something,but i know i'll be dead,i'll just keep my mouth shut. You know what i wanna say riiteee??
Shobs,you were was great la...seriously! Thanks for letting the whole world know we were googling things up during presentation by turning on the projector button. Haha! I must say that you're awesome!
Jojo,thanks for the clicking job! Lol! Who else??
Oh,ya! Renu,thanks being the best supporter ever!
Thanks to Tamim,Shid,Razif,Farah,Farhan and Naz for helping us with the video! It was fun having you guys around to help us! We're so sorry to interrupt your L4D time :)