I can't believe it has been 2 months since my last post. Today is a very special day. My little guy down there turned 3 today =) I can't believe how much he has grown. It has been almost 3 months now i'm in Kampar and i just can't and in fact will not stop missing him. I miss taking him for walks,bringing him for car rides and playing with him. As crazy as it sounds I look forward for weekends just to be with him =)
I know he can't see this but i'll still post it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY,SHAG! I'm sorry i'm late and i'm sorry i can't be with you this year. But i do hope you'll have fun with mom and dad and i'm sure they'll spoil you just as much =) I promise i'll get something for you when i come back =)
God Bless You <3
Cute dog! hope he's well ^^