Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Went out to Midvalley with my best bud last Saturday!! Woot woot! We waited for that day for almost two years! I don't consider the other outings as ''outing'' because all the other hang out spots are ALWAYS so freaking near!! Just 20mins away.Sigh. So yeah...thankfully our parents agreed to set us free this time. Hee =D

Despite not taking our breakfasts we managed to crap,rap,laugh,joke and all that jazz. Lol. To top it off,we also plotted to bring Stephanie Meyer (the one writes vampy stories?) down. Muahahaha! I shall elaborate on that later =D
I miss having long conversations with her. I mean how much can you talk on the phone. Its always different to have a real talk =)
And it was when finding a place to eat that it struck our minds that we should go for a movie. So,after deliberating yada yada we decided SANCTUM. 3D.
It was our first 3D movie. And last. Haha. I'm not sure about you guys,but it just wasnt worth it lah. Seriously. It could have been worth it if the movie is highly animated i think. As for me,i watched 3/4 of the movie without the glasses that made us all look like aliens. LOL. And it was super uncomfortable.

And...what else...oh,ya. We went to MPH. Bought a book each. And that will keep me occupied for the next few weeks to come =) And,we tried camwhoring. Looked like some unproffesional ones. Lol. No,i'm not gonna upload it here!
I was proud of myself that day! She forced me to try on dresses and i ESCAPED! Muahaha!!
She even gossipped about a girl next to her in Tamil without realising the girl was actually indian ==' hahaha. Lol,who cares =P

So,yeah ;)Thats all for now =)

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