I won't say i had an awesome year... This year was a little rough and too much for me emotionally and mentally. Too many emotional turmoils and disappointments. But,somehow i managed to get through hell. Thanks too friends and family!
2009 started of pretty well. Had 6 months of break. Had hell of a time! Those six months were great! Did a lot of things exept for one thing which i should have done.Driving...sigh...still swear at myself for have not taken my driving licence. Life could have been easier.
Next,29th June.
Little did i know that i'll be meeting a bunch of people/pigs who will be my friends for the rest of my life. They've been great,awesome,superb,funky,fun,funny,LAME :p,caring and watever you name them.
They've made my life so much more exciting and fun. Wat would i do without them...
Their nonsense,lame jokes,lameness and everything are capable of making every human being laugh till they drop. loL! I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!

I just want to take this oppurtunity to thank these people for being there for me! Thank you sooooo much! Friends for life!
-Amu-the crazy one
-Shobsy-the funky one
-Nat-the caring one :)
-Ren-the one with the scary laughter :P
-Jojo-my only Mafia friend(remember our 50-50 deal eh!)
-Shid-the inno one
-Shak-the LAME one :P
-Raz-the pro backstabber!
-Tamim-loL! do i have to say this? The genius one!
-Farhan-the bully!
-and to all PM12 and the RZ nerds!
oh,ya! how could i forget! Thanks to my little boys Sharkie,smokey, and shaggy! They've been really good this year (Lol! thanks to me :P)except for smokey who had some prob few months back. With god's grace he's fit as a fiddle now! They've been always with me during hard times.
Oh,ya...i would also like to apologise if i've done anything that has offended anyone. Sorry,people. I know i can be a little annoying at times,i can't help it. So just bear me,ok.Erm...i know i swear alot these days. I hope you guys won't mind. Lol! If we don't swear now when are we going to?
We shall start 2010 with much expectations! Hope 2010 will we an awesome year with a lot of GOOD memories!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!Set your aims high,people!!!!!!!!!!!!It's going to an awesome year! I'm so eager to see what awaits us! Spread the love,people!
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