Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I'm so glad that things are moving on pretty well just the way I wanted. People around me are making my life happier. Well,not all. but I would say that 90% of them are really making me a lot happier these days. I know things can change in a split second. So i'd rather keep my distance and be prepared for whatever that can happen. I just don't want to go through hell anymore.

Emo-attacks are normal these days. They come and go and i try my best to not give a damn about it.
There's no cure for it neither there is a way to avoid it. So' i'll just let it come and go whenever it feels like coming. I'll let life run it's course. I'll follow it whichever way it wants to go and stop thinking about what's going to happen.

I'll be signing up for the SPCA voluntary thingy soon. BFF has been very busy with exams lately and i've not spoken to her for the past two weeks. I need to talk to her very badly. She'll be back next week. And hopefully we can meet up somewhere.
We really need a day out.

Lol! Spike actually spent RM400 in just two weeks! And he is not sure himself where the money went. Haha!

-perplexed once again-

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