Aloha people. Dropping by for a quick update(was forced to do so actually,lol ).
Started my second sem in UTAR last Monday. I least expected it would go well. Surprisingly all went well. Had fun. Laughed out loud.Saw some major changes in some people and the best of all went lepaking in Ipoh. Thanks to a friend of mine who offered to drive us 4 people there in her tiny Kelisa =)
It was our first time in Ipoh, so, yeah there were some confusion and all but we managed to get there.
Did some window shopping in Ipoh's little India and had a good meal at OTWC :) It kinda reminded me of the OTWC in SS15 :( Sigh. Damn i miss that place.
Speaking about 2nd semester at the same time to keep things simple-7 weeks,3 subjects(in which one of it is Japanese)and no breaks.
So much for an update =p anyways,till i blog again :) Bye!